Welcome! These pages constitute the project site for the new Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam – edition Fagaceae. It has been over 70 years since a thorough treatment on Fagaceae of the Indochina region has been published. With support from the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN) and the Franklinia Foundation, a major inventory and revision of existing collections is carried out.
Rewriting and updating a family of the size of Fagaceae in the Indochina region is a substantial undertaking. We invite anyone able to assist in the localization of specimens in the field or herbaria, and contribution of images, drawings and other materials to contact us through the contact page. Thank you very much in advance!
Generic checklists (under construction):
National checklists (under construction):
Project impressions:
- MNHN Paris
- Fagaceae types at the MNHN
- Flore du CLV workroom @ MNHN Paris