Distribution map


Molecular data

Quercus hinckleyi on GenBank NCBI

Online Plant Databases

Quercus hinckleyi on EFLORAS
Quercus hinckleyi on Encyclopedia of Life
Quercus hinckleyi on ePIC RBG Kew
Quercus hinckleyi on GBIF
Quercus hinckleyi on IPNI
Quercus hinckleyi on The Plant List
Quercus hinckleyi in the online Kew Herbarium Catalogue
Quercus hinckleyi in the online MNHN Paris Herbarium Catalogue
Quercus hinckleyi in the online Naturalis Leiden Herbarium Catalogue
Quercus hinckleyi on Tropicos
Quercus hinckleyi on Wikispecies
Quercus hinckleyi on JSTOR Global Plants
Quercus hinckleyi on EUROPEANA Collections

Scanned TYPES

TYPES of Quercus hinckleyi on JSTOR Global Plants
TYPES of Quercus hinckleyi on Kew Herbarium Catalogue
TYPES of Quercus hinckleyi on MNHN Paris
Search for TYPES of Quercus hinckleyi in the online Naturalis Leiden Herbarium Catalogue


Quercus hinckleyi on Google Image Search

Online libraries

Quercus hinckleyi in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Search for Quercus hinckleyi on Botanicus.org

Scientific literature (ongoing)

Quercus hinckleyi in Google Scholar

BGCI cultivation and conservation links

Quercus hinckleyi in BGCI PlantSearch
Quercus hinckleyi in BGCI ThreatSearch